11:26 pm,Apr.24,2011
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Armed robbers hit Hollywood Cinema: April 24, 2011. Police are searching for the second of two armed robbers who took an unknown amount of cash f rom Hollywood Cinema in Grand Chute early Sunday. One robber was apprehended in an Appleton neighborhood.
GRAND CHUTE — Police have one man in custody and are searching for another man in connection with an armed robbery early Sunday at the Marcus Hollywood Cinema, 513 N. Westhill Blvd.
Police said they recovered a weapon and a large amount of cash from the man who was taken into custody, and they literally were following a paper trail of money in the search for the second man.
The search area included portions of Appleton and the towns of Grand Chute and Menasha, and takes in Outagamie and Winnebago counties.
Police identified the man in custody as Cornelius D. Carolina, 30. He was booked into the Outagamie County Jail on police charges of robbery, false imprisonment, recklessly endangering safety and a probation/parole hold.
Police said anyone with information about the second suspect should call the Grand Chute Police Department at 920-832-1575, or anonymously at 800-782-7463.
According to Grand Chute police Sgt. Aaron Schellinger, officers were summoned to Hollywood Cinema at 6:20 a.m. for a report of an armed robbery that had just occurred.
An employee said that while he was in the building, he was approached by two males wearing all black, with their faces covered by ski masks.
One of them brandished a firearm and they indicated that they wanted money. The employee gave them an undisclosed amount of money and they tied him up. Police did not know the suspects left the building.
Grand Chute police were assisted by officers from the Appleton Police Department and Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department in sealing off the scene and searching the building for suspects. They found none.
A short time later, an officer from the Town of Menasha Police Department spotted a male wearing all black walking on Bluemound Drive near Prospect Avenue.
The male started running, with police giving chase.
Officers apprehended the man in the backyard of a home in the 2400 block of Cherokee Drive, which is about a mile south of the theater and north of Prospect near St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Before he was caught, the man dropped a large amount of cash on the lawn. Police also found a handgun near the money.
Police found a large amount of cash and a second handgun near a tree in the yard of a home adjacent to St. Mary’s Cemetery, less than two blocks south of Cherokee Drive.
Police started their search for the second man at that point.
One police officer said money was “floating away from the guy like snow” as the man who was caught was running away.
Grand Chute police Lt. Mike Velie said the Hollywood Cinema employee was not injured, although an ambulance was called as a precautionary measure.
Velie said an Easter morning church service had been scheduled there later in the morning. That service was not held at the theater as police continued their investigation.
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Armed robbers hit Hollywood Cinema: April 24, 2011. Police are searching for the second of two armed robbers who took an unknown amount of cash f rom Hollywood Cinema in Grand Chute early Sunday. One robber was apprehended in an Appleton neighborhood.
GRAND CHUTE — Police have one man in custody and are searching for another man in connection with an armed robbery early Sunday at the Marcus Hollywood Cinema, 513 N. Westhill Blvd.
Police said they recovered a weapon and a large amount of cash from the man who was taken into custody, and they literally were following a paper trail of money in the search for the second man.
The search area included portions of Appleton and the towns of Grand Chute and Menasha, and takes in Outagamie and Winnebago counties.
Police identified the man in custody as Cornelius D. Carolina, 30. He was booked into the Outagamie County Jail on police charges of robbery, false imprisonment, recklessly endangering safety and a probation/parole hold.
Police said anyone with information about the second suspect should call the Grand Chute Police Department at 920-832-1575, or anonymously at 800-782-7463.
According to Grand Chute police Sgt. Aaron Schellinger, officers were summoned to Hollywood Cinema at 6:20 a.m. for a report of an armed robbery that had just occurred.
An employee said that while he was in the building, he was approached by two males wearing all black, with their faces covered by ski masks.
One of them brandished a firearm and they indicated that they wanted money. The employee gave them an undisclosed amount of money and they tied him up. Police did not know the suspects left the building.
Grand Chute police were assisted by officers from the Appleton Police Department and Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department in sealing off the scene and searching the building for suspects. They found none.
A short time later, an officer from the Town of Menasha Police Department spotted a male wearing all black walking on Bluemound Drive near Prospect Avenue.
The male started running, with police giving chase.
Officers apprehended the man in the backyard of a home in the 2400 block of Cherokee Drive, which is about a mile south of the theater and north of Prospect near St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Before he was caught, the man dropped a large amount of cash on the lawn. Police also found a handgun near the money.
Police found a large amount of cash and a second handgun near a tree in the yard of a home adjacent to St. Mary’s Cemetery, less than two blocks south of Cherokee Drive.
Police started their search for the second man at that point.
One police officer said money was “floating away from the guy like snow” as the man who was caught was running away.
Grand Chute police Lt. Mike Velie said the Hollywood Cinema employee was not injured, although an ambulance was called as a precautionary measure.
Velie said an Easter morning church service had been scheduled there later in the morning. That service was not held at the theater as police continued their investigation.
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