
2 rescued bloodhounds may be Hollywood stars

(04-23) 10:44 PDT Doyline, La. (AP) --

The gaunt bloodhound wandered the streets in Shreveport. He had no collar or microchip when he was brought to a shelter. Euthanasia was a possibility.
But Hogan, about 2 years old, and Millie, a pup rescued earlier by the seven-state South Central Bloodhound Club, may be headed for stardom. Both have been adopted by Studio Animal Services of Castaic, Calif., which trains animals for TV shows, commercials and movies.
"We're getting two dogs that will double each other, replacing a dog that we're retiring," said trainer Sue Chipperson.
Eleven-year-old Dixie is semi-retired, used only if a director wants a bloodhound that looks old, she said.
Millie was seven months old when her owner surrendered her to an animal shelter shortly before Christmas,
"If we hadn't pulled her she'd be dead right now instead of being trained for TV," said Karen Gillespie, of Doyline, director of the bloodhound club. The puppy arrived in California five or six weeks ago.
"Millie's doing great. She is a little sweetheart," Chipperson said. "We take her on the set with us. She's experiencing being out, being in a crate, out of the crate, meeting people — we take them with us so they get used to the whole lifestyle."
Chipperson said she took both dogs without seeing even a photo, based on a colleague's recommendation of Gillespie's group and Gillespie's descriptions of the dogs.
"We have to go by Karen's word as to what the dog's personality is like. Karen doesn't want to adopt a dog out that won't be suitable," Chipperson said.
Gillespie, who has 15 rescued bloodhounds at her home and oversees 10 more in foster homes, got the stray now named Hogan treated for heartworms, neutered and placed in a foster home. Then she got an e-mail from Chipperson and Studio Animal Services owner Karin McElhatton.
They own about 100 dogs and 100 other animals including cats, ducks, squirrels, horses and a burro, Chipperson said.
Their dogs aren't trained as pets would be, Chipperson said. "I always like to joke around that we actually train our dogs to do naughty things. I'll never correct a dog for jumping up on someone. Nine out of 10 times, if you correct a dog for jumping up you'll get a dog where it has to barrel down a hallway and knock someone over."
As Gillespie would for anyone else looking to take on a bloodhound, she checked out the company's reputation, veterinarians and references.
"We have some that are unadoptable but they will live out their lives at my home or our foster homes," Gillespie said. "But if we can find them a home that's what we do so they can have that individualized attention and loving home. I adopted out seven last month."
Studio Animal Services paid the regular $250 adoption fee for Hogan and Mille, plus transportation costs — which, for Hogan, included a ticketed attendant to fly with him, Gillespie said.
Gillespie said she has matched bloodhounds to families across Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. The breed must be understood, she said.
"They are busy, busy dogs and you have to know that going in," she said.
Fenced yards are a must for outside activities but they prefer to sleep indoors where they can interact with the family.
"They are an awesome breed; so smart," Gillespie said.

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